3.1 To Learn in This Chapter
The skills we aim to develop in this chapter are:
- Learn how system models are used to characterize the output signal corresponding to a given input signal in both continuous-time and discrete-time
- Understand what a linear and time-invariant (LTI) system is and the role of the convolution operation to determine the output signal
- Learn convolution properties and how to calculate the discrete-time convolution via correlation or matrix multiplication
- Calculate the circular (or periodic) convolution between two signals or two spectra
- Distinguish signals and systems, in spite of the signal called impulse response being used to represent a LTI system
- Characterize a continuous-time LTI system based on its impulse response or linear constant-coefficient differential equation relating the input to the output
- Characterize a discrete-time LTI system based on its impulse response or linear constant-coefficient difference equation (LCCDE) relating the input to the output
- Learn the concept of system function and frequency response
- For LTI systems, use Laplace and Z transforms to calculate the system function and from impulse responses and for continuous and discrete-time, respectively. Similarly use these transforms to obtain and from the respective linear constant-coefficient differential or difference equations
- For LTI systems, use continuous-time Fourier transform and DTFT to calculate the frequency response and from impulse responses and for continuous and discrete-time, respectively. Similarly use these transforms to obtain and from the respective linear constant-coefficient differential or difference equations
- Understand that complex exponentials are eigenfunctions of LTI systems
- Design and use analog and digital frequency-selective filters both via software and analytically
- Implement in software a digital filter using its LCDDE equation
- Get familiar with the definitions of key frequencies for dealing with frequency-selective filters: cuttof, natural, etc.
- Interpret the group delay and use it to evaluate the delay imposed by a system
- Learn to predict how a system modifies an input signal based on system properties
- Reinterpret sampling and signal reconstruction, now being able to use the convolution operation in the mathematical model
- Learn how to perfectly reconstruct a band-limited signal when the sampling theorem is obeyed
- Know details about first and second-order systems
- Learn the definitions of bandwidth and quality factor for filters or individual poles
- Know the group delay of a system is the derivative of its frequency response phase, and how useful is to have a system with linear phase (or equivalently, a constant group delay)
- Learn about commercial filters based on technologies such as SAW and ceramics
- Know the concepts of FIR, IIR, AR, MA and ARMA discrete-time systems
- Design analog filters using filter frequency scaling and bandform transformation
- Design IIR filters using matched Z-transform, impulse invariance, backward difference, forward difference and bilinear transformation (also called Tustin’s method)
- Learn how to use prewarping when designing IIR filters with the bilinear transformation
- Design FIR filters using least-squares or windowing, specially focusing on filters with linear phase
- Learn the most import structures to implement FIR and IIR filters (transposed direct II structure, etc)
- Understand the effects of finite precision when the filter coefficients are quantized and roundoff errors occur during the filtering process
- Learn basic concepts of multirate processing, such as up and downsampling