1.12  Advanced: Power and Energy in Discrete-Time

The concepts of power and energy are better defined for continuous-time than for discrete-time signals and vectors. Dealing with the concept of power of a discrete-time signal x[n] requires some caution because the discrete-time n does not have the dimension of time as the continuous-time t, which can be given in seconds, for instance. Sometimes one has a set of values, but the index that helps locating each individual value cannot be interpreted as discrete-time. In such cases, to distinguish from x[n] (with n representing discrete-time), the notation xi is used. The key concept here is that i simply identifies the i-th element of the set and is not interpreted as “time”. Hence, as will be discussed in this section, taking an average over |xi|2 values will not be interpreted as power (energy divided by time).

1.12.1  Power and energy of discrete-time signals

The following definition of average power will be adopted in this text

P lim N 1 2N + 1 n=NN|x[n]|2.

and interpreted as Watts given that x[n] is assumed to be in volts. This is a sensible definition, as will be discussed in Section 1.12.5.

Accordingly, the energy E of a discrete-time signal is

E n=|x[n]|2.

such that P = EN when the support of x[n] are N samples.

A similar situation occurs when dealing with vectors.

1.12.2  Power and energy of signals represented as vectors

Here, x[n] denotes the n-th element of a vector x. The order of these elements is assumed to correspond to a time evolution, such that a finite-dimension vector is equivalent to a finite-duration discrete-time sequence. Hence, the energy E of vector x is its squared Euclidean norm:

E = n=1N|x[n]|2 = ||x||2,

where N is the dimension of x. Accordingly, the power of such finite-dimension vector is

P = E N = 1 N n=1N|x[n]|2.

1.12.3  Advanced: Power and energy of vectors whose elements are not time-ordered

In contrast to the previous equations, there are cases in which the vector elements are not indexed according to a time evolution.

It should be noticed that the average of the squared norms of several vectors should be interpreted as their average energy, not power. For example, assuming there are M vectors x1,,xM of dimension N, an average energy is obtained with

E¯ = 1 M i=1ME i = 1 M i=1M||x i||2,

and interpreted in joules.

Eq. (1.66) and Eq. (1.67) are similar due to the connection between vectors and finite-duration discrete-time signals. The distinction that allows to observe their results as “power” or “energy” relies on interpreting the index i as “time” or not. In Eq. (1.66), an average of instantaneous power values |x[n]|2 along the discrete-time n leads to an estimate of power. But when taking an average E¯ over vectors of energy Ei in Eq. (1.67), the result is (average) energy.

1.12.4  Power and energy of discrete-time random signals

If x[n] represents a random signal, with samples x[n0] corresponding to outcomes of a random variable X, an alternate definition is

P 𝔼[|X|2] = 𝔼[|x[n]|2],

where 𝔼[] is the expectation operator.

The power of a random signal x[n] (or x(t)) can be decomposed into two parcels as follows:

P = 𝔼[X2] = σ x2 + μ x2,

where the variance σx2 and the squared-mean μx2 correspond to the powers of the AC and DC components of a real x[n], respectively. The proof is derived in Eq. (A.67).

Most of the signals in telecommunications and other applications have zero mean (μ = 0). In this case, Eq. (1.68) shows that the power P = σx2 coincides with the variance of the random signal and the standard deviation σx with its RMS value.

1.12.5  Advanced: Relating Power in Continuous and Discrete-Time

The goal here is to relate the power of a discrete-time x[n] to the power of a continuous-time x(t) where these signals are related by an A/D or D/A conversion. A possible processing chain relating these signals with their associated power in parenthesis is:

x(t)(Pc) sampling xs(t) SD x[n](Pd) = x(nTs).

Another processing chain of interest is the reconstruction of a continuous-time signal:

x(nTs) = x[n](Pd) DS xs(t) h(t) x(t)(Pc)

which will be discussed in Section 3.5.7.

Special interest lies on systems that have equivalence between power in discrete and continuous-time, such that

Pd = Pc,

where Pd and Pc are given by Eq. (1.63) and Eq. (1.23), respectively.18

Eq. (1.71) is further discussed in Section 3.5.3, but here it is derived19 using the rectangle method to approximate the integral of p(t) = |x(t)|2 as a sum of rectangles with bases Ts and heights |x[n]|2, as follows:

Pc = lim N [ 1 (2N + 1)TsNTsNTs |x(t)|2dt] lim N [ 1 (2N + 1)Ts n=NNT s|x(nTs)|2] = lim N [ 1 (2N + 1) n=NN|x[n]|2] = Pd. (1.72)

In summary, when the sampling theorem is obeyed, the signal processing chains (filtering, amplification, etc.) associated to the A/D and D/A processes are assumed here not to alter the power of x(t) and x[n], such that Eq. (1.71) holds.