1.8  Relating Frequencies of Continuous and Discrete-Time Signals

When periodic sampling is used with sampling frequency Fs, the frequencies that show up in x(t) are mapped into frequencies in xs(t) and x[n]. This section discusses such mappings. We start by observing that angular frequencies are denoted as ω and Ω, in continuous and discrete-time, respectively. This notation is important because they have different units and properties.

1.8.1  Units of continuous-time and discrete-time angular frequencies

In essence, a continuous-time signal (for instance, x(t) = cos (ωt)) has radians per second (rad/s) as the unit of the angular frequency ω. Multiplying ω by t, which is given in seconds, leads to an angle in radians. In contrast, the unit of the angular frequency Ω of a discrete-time signal (for instance, x[n] = cos (Ωn)) is given in radians. Because n is dimensionless, Ωn is an angle in radians. Similar to the interpretation of discrete-time n as “time”, in spite of being an angle, Ω will be interpreted as angular frequency.

The different units of ω (rad/s) and Ω (rad) will play a fundamental role in discrete-time signal processing: a function f(ω) of ω can assume distinct values when ω is varied in the range [,], while a function f(Ω) is periodic if Ω is an angle. More specifically, when the variable Ω is used to denote a discrete-time angular frequency, any function f(Ω) of Ω will have a period of 2π rad and be typically evaluated only in a range of 2π, such as [0,2π[ or [π,π[.

In other words, whenever Ω is an angular frequency (that is, an angle), the function f(Ω) = f(Ω + 2π),Ω is periodic and Ω shows up as the argument of cosines or sines. For example, f(Ω) = cos (3Ω)cos (5Ω) and f(Ω) = ej2Ω are possible functions of an angular frequency Ω. In fact, it is a common practice to use the notation f(ejΩ) to indicate that f is a function of an angle Ω (see, e. g. Eq. (2.34)). Therefore, one will never find something like f(ejΩ) = (3 + Ω)(5 + Ω) because the periodicity f(Ω) = f(Ω + 2π) is not observed in this case.

1.8.2  Mapping frequencies in continuous and discrete-time domains

In the following paragraphs, the main goal is not to prove, but to motivate the fundamental equation

ω = ΩFs,

where Fs is the sampling frequency assumed to be in Hertz, ω is the continuous-time angular frequency given in radians per second and Ω is the discrete-time angular frequency given in radians.

To better interpret Eq. (1.36), one can apply the S/D conversion to a single sinusoid, as exemplified in the next paragraphs.

Example 1.34. Example of using the fundamental equation for relating angular frequencies of continuous-time and discrete-time cosines. Assume x(t) = 10cos (24πt) is sampled with sampling interval Ts to create the signal xs(t) via the impulse sifting property of Eq. (1.31):

xs(t) = n=10cos (24πnT s)δ(t nTs).

In this case, the S/D conversion of xs(t) results in

x[n] = S/D {xs(t)} = 10cos (24πTsn) = 10cos (24π Fs n).

Note that the original angular frequency ω = 24π radians/s was converted to the angular frequency in discrete-time Ω = 24πFs radians, which corresponds to Ω = ωFs in Eq. (1.36).

For example, assuming Fs = 36 Hz, the cosine with angular frequency ω = 24π rad/s (that is equivalent to the linear frequency f = 12 Hz in this case) will be mapped to the angle Ω = 2π3 rad. Using Eq. (1.36) in the other direction, a discrete-time angular frequency of Ω = π rad is always mapped to ω = πFs. In the given example, Ω = π rad is mapped into ω = 36π rad/s or, equivalently, f = 18 Hz.   

The previous example can be generalized. In summary, Eq. (1.36) is valid for all pairs of continuous-time and discrete-time signals that are related by a C/D or D/C conversion obtained with periodic sampling.

Example 1.35. Another example of conversion between discrete and continuous-time domains. Assume a discrete-time signal x[n] = 10cos ((2π7)n). It is possible to indicate that its angular frequency is Ω = 2π7 rad because the signal repeats itself every N = 7 samples. However, because n is dimensionless, there is no information about time in this case. If it is stated that x[n] was obtained via sampling at Fs = 10 Hz, x[n] would be representing a cosine of angular frequency ω = 20π7 rad/s. Instead, if Fs = 100 Hz, then ω = 200π7 rad/s. As indicated in Eq. (1.36), the sampling frequency is needed when mapping the discrete-time angular frequency Ω into the corresponding continuous-time angular frequency ω.    

In summary, Fs in Eq. (1.36) plays the role of a normalization factor that relates angular frequencies of continuous-time signals and their discrete-time counterparts obtained by C/D conversion. It leads to two distinct ways of simulating a continuous-time sinusoid using a discrete-time signal.

Example 1.36. Two approaches to simulate continuous-time sinusoids. Listing 1.14 indicates how to use Eq. (1.36) to create discrete-time sinusoids. The task is to generate a cosine of 600 Hz using Matlab/Octave. Two distinct approaches are:

f 1.
use “continuous-time” frequencies f (in Hz) or ω (in rad/s), with discretized time t in seconds, or
f 2.
use “discrete-time” frequencies Ω (in rad), obtained via Eq. (1.36), and using a dimensionless “time” n.

These two approaches are contrasted in Listing 1.14.

Listing 1.14: MatlabOctaveCodeSnippets/snip_signals_sinusoid_generation.m. [ Python version]
1Fs=8000; %sampling frequency (Hz) 
2Ts=1/Fs; %sampling interval (seconds) 
3N=20000; %number of desired samples 
4f0=600; %cosine frequency (Hz) 
5%%%%First alternative to generate a cosine of 600 Hz 
6t=0:Ts:(N-1)*Ts; %discretized continuous-time axis (sec.) 
7x1=5*cos(2*pi*f0*t); %amplitude=5 V and frequency = f0 Hz 
8%%%%Second alternative: work directly in discrete-time 
9w0=2*pi*f0*Ts; %w0 is in rad, convert from rad/s to rad 
10n=0:N-1; %discrete-time axis (do not use Ts anymore) 
11x2=5*cos(w0*n); %amplitude=5 V and frequency = w0 rad 
12plot(x1-x2); %plot error between two alternative sequences 
13soundsc(x1,Fs) %for fun: playback one of them to listen

Note that the sequences x1 and x2 are essentially the same, and there are only small numerical errors. In essence, one can simulate discrete-time signals representing the time evolution either with n (an integer) or t (in seconds), but properly using the corresponding angular frequencies Ω (in radians) or ω (in rad/s), respectively.

Listing 1.14 compared signals created with n = 0,1,2,, versus t = nTs = 0,125 × 106,250 × 106,, (given that Ts = 1Fs = 125 × 106 seconds), with the corresponding angular frequencies being Ω = 2π6008000 0.471 rad or ω = 2π600 3769.9 rad/s, respectively.   

1.8.3  Nyquist frequency

As indicated by Eq. (1.30), if the sampling theorem is obeyed, the maximum frequency in the original continuous-time signal x(t) is restricted to fmax < Fs2 Hz, where Fs2 is called the Nyquist frequency.

Using Eq. (1.36), one can see that angle Ω = π rad will be mapped into ω = ΩFs = πFs rad/s, which corresponds to the Nyquist frequency Fs2 Hz. This is consistent with the fact that π represents the highest frequency in discrete-time processing. This can be observed by plotting x[n] = cos (Ωn) and varying Ω until it reaches π rad, which corresponds to a period of N = 2 samples. Increasing Ω from π to 1.5π, for instance, will slow down the signal (observe the angles: 1.5π = 0.5π), and increase the period to N = 4 samples.

1.8.4  Frequency normalization in Python and Matlab/Octave

It is sometimes inconvenient to show graphs with the abscissa using Ω in radians. For example, a graph in the range [0,π] would have the last abscissa value as approximately 3.14159, which could be annoying. To avoid that, the convention adopted by Matlab/Octave is to use, instead of Ω in rad, a normalized frequency

fN = Ωπ.

This division by π maps the discrete-time angular frequency range [0,π] rad into the range [0,1] of a normalized frequency fN.

Given the sampling frequency Fs and the fact that Ω = ωFs (from Eq. (1.36)), Eq. (1.38) can be conveniently written as

fN = Ω π = ω Fsπ = 2πf Fsπ = f Fs2.

Having a frequency f in Hz, Eq. (1.39) can be used to map it to fN in the range [0,1] as required by software such as Matlab/Octave and Python, and indicated in Eq. (1.38). For instance, if Fs = 10 Hz, a frequency f=4 Hz after the sampling process would be represented as fN = 45 in Matlab/Octave or Python, which can be quickly calculated via

fN = f Fs2,

i. e., f is simply divided by the Nyquist frequency Fs2.

Table 1.5: The notation and values of the Nyquist frequency in distinct domains.
f (Hz) ω (rad/s) Ω (rad) Matlab/Octave normalized fN (Ωπ)
Fs2 πFs π 1


Figure 1.45: Versions of the Nyquist frequency in continuous and discrete-time.

Table 1.5 and Figure 1.45 summarize the discussed information about versions of the Nyquist frequency in different domains, including its normalized version in Matlab/Octave. Figure 1.45 is also useful to observe the relation between the frequencies ω, f, Ω and fN.