A.15  Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization procedure

The Gram-Schmidt is an automatic procedure to obtain a set of N orthonormal vectors y from an input set {x1,x2,,xM} composed by M vectors. If the M vectors are linearly independent, then N = M. If there is linear dependency among the vectors, then N < M. Listing A.4 illustrates the procedure.

In summary, the first basis function is y1 = x1x1. Because y1 is the normalized first input vector, it can properly represent x1. The next step is to iteratively (in a loop) add new basis functions to represent the remaining vectors. For example, if x2 were colinear to y1, it would not be necessary to enlarge the basis set (y1 could represent both x1 and x2). If that is not the case, y2 cannot be simply y2 = x2x2 because, eventually, y1 and y2 can be linearly dependent. Therefore, first x2 is projected in y1 and y2 is the (normalized) error vector of this projection. This process is repeated. For example, when obtaining yi to represent a vector xj, one first takes in account the projection of xj into all previously selected basis 1,2,,i 1. If the error is not numerically negligible (given a tolerance), this suggests that xj does not reside in the space spanned by the current set of basis functions and the normalized projection error is added to this set.

Listing A.4: MatlabOctaveFunctions/ak_gram_schmidt.m
1function [Ah,A]=ak_gram_schmidt(x,tol) 
2% function [Ah,A]=ak_gram_schmidt(x,tol) 
3%Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization procedure (x is real) 
4%Inputs:  x - real matrix: each row is an input vector 
5%         tol - tolerance for stopping procedure (and SVD) 
6%Outputs: Ah  - direct matrix, which is the Hermitian (transpose in 
7%               this case) of A 
8%         A   - inverse matrix with basis functions as columns 
9%Example of usage: 
10% x=[1 1; 0 2; 1 0; 1 4] 
11% [Ah,A]=ak_gram_schmidt(x,1e-12) %basis functions are columns of A 
12% testVector=[10; 10]; %test: vector in same direction as first basis 
13% testCoefficients=Ah*testVector %result is [14.1421; 0] 
15%% Notes about the code: 
16%1) The inner product sum(y(m,:).*x(k,:)) is alternatively 
17%   calculated as y(m,:)*x(k,:)' (row vectors) 
18%2) In general, a projection is projectionOverBasis=p_xy= 
19%             ( <y,x> / ||y||^2 ) * y = 
20%             ((y(m,:)*x(k,:)')/(y(m,:)*y(m,:)'))*y(m,:); 
21%but in the code y(m,:)*y(m,:)'=1 and the denominator is 1 
22if nargin<2 
23    tol=min(max(size(x)')*eps(max(x))); %find tolerance 
26if dimension>m 
27    warning(['Input dimension larger than number of vectors, ' ... 
28        'which is ok if you are aware about']); 
30N=rank(x,tol); %note: rank is slow because it uses SVD 
31y=zeros(N,dimension); %pre-allocate space 
32%pick first vector and normalize it 
34numBasis = 1; 
35for k=2:m 
36    errorVector=x(k,:); %error (or target) vector 
37    for m=1:numBasis%go over all previously selected basis 
38        %p_xy = <x,y> * y; %recall, in this case: ||y||=1 
39        projectionOverBasis = ((y(m,:)*x(k,:)'))*y(m,:); 
40        %update target: 
41        errorVector = errorVector - projectionOverBasis; 
42    end 
43    magErrorVector = sqrt(sum(errorVector.^2)); 
44    if ( magErrorVector > tol ) 
45        %keep the new vector in basis set 
46        numBasis = numBasis + 1; 
47        y(numBasis,:)= errorVector / magErrorVector; 
48        if (numBasis >= N) 
49            break; %Abort. Reached final number of vectors 
50        end 
51    end 
53A=transpose(y);  %basis functions are the columns of inverse matrix A 
54Ah=A'; %the direct matrix transform is the Hermitian of A

The result of the Gram-Schmidt procedure depends on the order of the input vectors. Rearranging these vectors may produce a different (still valid) solution. An example of Gram-Schmidt execution can be found in Application 2.1.

The following section presents another procedure, which has similarities to the Gram-Schmidt and very interesting properties.