2.9  Z Transform

The Z transform is the counterpart of the Laplace transform for discrete-time signals. The pair of equations is given by

{ X(z) = n=x[n]zn x[n] = 1 2πj CX(z)zn1dz,

where C is a counterclockwise closed path encircling the origin and entirely in the region of convergence (ROC). The contour (or path) C must encircle all of the poles of X(z).

2.9.1  Relation between Laplace and Z transforms

The Laplace and Z transforms are related. When the Laplace transform is performed on a sampled signal xs(t) and a C/D is used, the result is the Z transform15 of a discrete-time sequence x[n] where

z = esTs

and Ts is the sampling period.

Eq. (2.59) is used in the matched Z-transform method for converting H(s) in s into H(z) in z, and is further discussed in Section 3.11.3.

Example 2.23. Converting x(t) to discrete-time and finding the corresponding Z-transform. As in Example 1.33, assume a continuous-time signal x(t) = 4e2tu(t) should be transformed to a discrete-time x[n] with a sampling period Ts, and then have its Z-transform X(z) = Z{x[n]} calculated. From Eq. (1.34):

X(z) = Z {4e2nTs u[n]} = 4Z { (e2Ts ) nu[n]} = 4 1 e2Tsz1,

where the last step used Eq. (2.61).   

2.9.2  Advanced: Z transform basis functions

The basis functions of the Z transform are zn, z . The complex-value z could be written in Cartesian coordinates but it is more convenient to write it in polar coordinates, as z = rejΩ. Taking in account the discrete-time n, a Z basis function can be written as

x[n] = zn = (rejΩ)n = rnejnΩ = rn[cos (nΩ) + jsin (nΩ)].

Similar to the Laplace basis function e(σ+)t, which has σ and ω, the Z basis function is also controlled by two parameters: r and Ω. As σ in the Laplace transform, the value of r imposes the envelope of the Z basis function while Ω (similar to ω) controls the rate of its oscillation (see Figure 2.20).

The similarity of Laplace and Z basis functions can be made more explicit by writing

x(t) = e(σ+)t = eσtejωt = rt[cos (ωt) + jsin (ωt)],

where r = eσ. Comparing the Laplace basis function x(t) with the Z basis function x[n], it is clear that they describe the same category of signals, but in continuous-time and discrete-time, respectively.

But the region of convergence of a Laplace transform depends on σ, so it is convenient to write the complex value s = σ + in Cartesian coordinates, to make σ explicit. On the other hand, as will be discussed in this section, the region of convergence of a Z transform is determined by the magnitude r of a z value, which makes more convenient to write the complex value z = rejΩ in polar coordinates, making r explicit.

2.9.3  Some pairs and properties of the Z-transform

A very useful Z transform pair is

and an important Z transform property is

Putting them together leads to

With this result, and using linearity one can write, e. g.,

3δ[n + 4] + 2δ[n] 2.5δ[n 3] 3z4 + 2 2.5z3.

In cases x[n] is left-sided or right-sided, X(z) = n=x[n]zn can be written as a geometric series and Eq. (A.20) used to obtain X(z). For example, the Z transform of x[n] = anu[n] is obtained as follows:

X(z) = n=x[n]zn = n=anu[n]zn = n=0anzn = n=0(az)n.

Using Eq. (A.20) with a scale factor α = 1, ratio r = az1 and |az| < 1 leads to

anu[n] 1 1 az1 = z z a, |z| > |a|.

2.9.4  Region of convergence for a Z transform

Similar to the Laplace transform, the values of z for which the transform exists are called the region of convergence (ROC). The ROC of Z transforms are annular regions of the form |z| > m (for right-sided sequences, also called causal), |z| < m (for left-sided sequences) or m < |z| < p (for two-sided sequences), where m,p +. When the signal in time-domain has a finite support (duration), the ROC of the associated Z transform is the whole z-plane, eventually with the exceptions of z = 0 and z = .

To recover x[n] from its transform X(z), it is essential to know the ROC. For example, the Z transform of x[n] = anu[n 1] is:

X(z) = n=x[n]zn = n=1anzn = n=1anzn = n=1(za)n.

In order to use Eq. (A.20) with factor α = 1 and ratio r = za one can modify the summation interval

X(z) = n=1(za)n = 1 n=0(za)n = 1 1 1 za = z z a,

with the ROC |z| < |a| (because Eq. (A.20) requires |za| < 1). In summary, both anu[n] (see Eq. (2.61)) and anu[n 1] have X(z) = z(z a) and only the ROC can disambiguate them when calculating the inverse Z transform.

2.9.5  Inverse Z of rational functions via partial fractions

In general, the inverse Z transform is calculated using Eq. (2.58). But similar to the methodology described for the Laplace transform in Section 2.8.5, for the important category of Z transforms X(z) that are ratios X(z) = B(z)A(z) of two polynomials, one can use partial fraction expansion (see Appendix A.10) to conveniently calculate the inverse x[n] = Z1{X(z)}.

The inverse transform of rational functions X(z) can be obtained by following two simple steps and then the procedure in Section 2.8.5 adopted for inverse Laplace transforms. The procedure is the following:

f 1.
make the rational function X(z) to have only non-negative16 powers of z,
f 2.
find the poles and expand X(z) in partial fractions as discussed in Section A.10,
f 3.
eventually multiply by z to create Y (z) = zX(z) and force the appearance of terms term z(z a),
f 4.
convert each parcel of Y (z) to the time domain,
f 5.
rearrange the terms, especially the ones corresponding to complex conjugate poles and
f 6.
because Y (z) = zX(z), then x[n] = y[n 1]. Find the final result substituting n by n 1 in y[n].

For example, to obtain the inverse transform of

X(z) = z2 + 0.9z3 1 1.8z1 + 1.41z2 0.488z3,

with ROC |z| > 0.8, one can multiply numerator and denominator by z3 and obtain their roots:

X(z) = z + 0.9 z3 1.8z2 + 1.41z 0.488 = z + 0.9 (z 0.8)(z 0.5 ± j0.6).

The partial fraction expansion is

X(z) = 3.78 z 0.8 + 1.89 + j0.11 z 0.5 + j0.6 + 1.89 j0.11 z 0.5 j0.6 .

Multiplying both sides by z leads to

Y (z) = zX(z) = 3.78z z 0.8 + (1.89 + j0.11)z z 0.5 + j0.6 + (1.89 j0.11)z z 0.5 j0.6 ,

which can be rewritten by converting the complex numbers from Cartesian to polar form

Y (z) = 3.78z z 0.8 + (1.89ej3.08)z z 0.78ej2.26 + (1.89ej3.08)z z 0.78ej2.26,

Because in this case the ROC is for a right-sided sequence, each term z(z a) corresponds to anu[n] and the time domain signal is

y[n] = [3.78(0.8)n + 1.89ej3.08(0.78ej2.26)n + 1.89ej3.08(0.78ej2.26)n]u[n] = [3.78(0.8)n + 1.89(0.78)n(ej(3.08+2.26n) + ej(3.08+2.26n))]u[n] = [3.78(0.8)n + 2 × 1.89(0.78)n cos (2.26n + 3.08)]u[n]

which leads to

x[n] = [3.78(0.8)n1 + 2 × 1.89(0.78)n1 cos (2.26(n 1) + 3.08)]u[n 1].

Note that a pair of complex conjugate poles have complex conjugate residues. Let r = be and r = be be the residues for poles p = aej𝜃 and p = aej𝜃, respectively, both with multiplicity one. With a ROC corresponding to right-sided signals, the two terms rz(z p) and rz(z p) in the partial fraction expansion can be rearranged in time domain to compose the general expression

2ban cos (𝜃n + α)u[n].

If the ROC corresponds to left-sided signals, the same terms correspond to

2ban cos (𝜃n + α)u[n 1].

Different approaches to obtain x[n] can lead to distinct expressions, but these expressions must correspond to the same values of x[n],n. For example, some people prefer to obtain the partial fraction expansion of X(z)z instead of using the suggested steps 3) and 6). Expanding X(z)z allows to multiply the obtained partial fractions by z to get z(z a) factors. An example better illustrates the equivalence of both procedures and the reason for suggesting ours.

Assume the task is to find the inverse x[n] of X(z) = (8z 19)[(z 2)(z 3)] knowing that x[n] is right-sided. Using the alternative procedure of expanding X(z)z, one has

X(z) z = (8z 19)[z(z 2)(z 3)] = 196 z + 32 z 2 + 53 z 3,

which can be conveniently multiplied by z to obtain parcels in the form z(z a):

X(z) = 19 6 + 32 z z 2 + 53 z z 3,

that leads to the inverse

x[n] = 19 6 δ[n] + (3 22n + 5 33n) u[n].

Using the steps of the suggested procedure, which expands X(z) in partial fractions instead of X(z)z, the result is

x[n] = [5(3n1) + 3(2n1)]u[n 1],

which seems different than Eq. (2.62). However, a closer inspection indicates that, for both expressions, the sample values x[0] = 0,x[1] = 8, etc., are the same, i. e., the procedures led to the same signal, as expected.

Simplifying the partial fractions corresponding to complex conjugates

The Web has several tables of properties and pairs related to the Z transform.17 An interesting result is the initial value theorem, which is valid for signals for which x[n] = 0 for n < 0 (right-sided) and states that

x[0] = lim zX(z).

Using this theorem, one can anticipate that x[0] = 0 when X(z) has a denominator with degree larger than the numerator, such as in X(z) = (8z 19)[(z 2)(z 3)].


Figure 2.27: Magnitude (in dB) of X(z) = z+0.9 (z0.8)(z0.5j0.6)(z0.5+j0.6) (Eq. (2.63)).


Figure 2.28: Phase (in rad) of Eq. (2.63).

Similar to Figure 2.22 and Figure 2.23, which are for Laplace, Figure 2.27 and Figure 2.28 depicts the magnitude and phase, respectively, for

X(z) = z + 0.9 (z 0.8)(z 0.5 j0.6)(z 0.5 + j0.6),

which has one finite zero and three poles as indicated in Figure 2.29.


Figure 2.29: Pole / zero diagram for Eq. (2.63).


Figure 2.30: Graph of the magnitude (in dB) of X(z) = z+0.9 (z0.8)(z0.5j0.6)(z0.5+j0.6) (Figure 2.27) with the identification of the corresponding values of the DTFT (unit circle |z| = 1).


Figure 2.31: The values of the magnitude of the DTFT corresponding to Figure 2.30.

2.9.6  Calculating the DTFT from a Z transform

The relation between the Z transform and the DTFT is similar to the one between Laplace and Fourier transforms discussed in Section 2.8.6. Figure 2.30 and Figure 2.31 provide an example using Eq. (2.63).


Figure 2.32: Magnitude (top) and phase (bottom) of the DTFT corresponding to Eq. (2.63). These plots can be obtained with the Matlab/Octave command freqz and are a more convenient representation than, e. g., Figure 2.31.

Sometimes it is not convenient to deal with 3-d plots such as Figure 2.31. An alternative is to represent the DTFT using a figure similar to Figure 2.32, which shows the magnitude and phase with the angle as independent variable. As discussed in Section 1.8.4, for convenience, the abscissa is normalized by π, such that “1” corresponds to π rad. Due to the symmetry of X(z) when x[n] is real, it is also common to represent the abscissa in the range [0,π] (instead of [0,2π[ as in Figure 2.32).