2.12 Review Exercises
2.1. Given two vectors
and ,
find their norms, inner product and angle between them.
2.2. Given two vectors
and ,
find the projections
and the respective error vectors
and .
2.3. Is the matrix
unitary? Design a unitary matrix
that is similar to
in the sense that its first basis (column) is a vector in the same direction as
2.4. Assume a 2-d vector space has non orthogonal basis given by
and .
Find the coefficients
that allow to represent the vector
as the linear combination .
2.5. Assuming a 2-d vector space with orthonormal basis vectors
and ,
prove that inner products can be used to find the coefficients
that allow to represent a vector
as the linear combination .
2.6. Find the inner product between the signals: a)
and ,
and ,
and .