2.6  Relating spectra of digital and analog frequencies

If x[n] is obtained by sampling x(t), it is convenient to relate their spectra. This is a followup of Section 1.8. Recall from Eq. (1.36) that ω = ΩFs. Hence, Fs can be used to relate the abscissas of graphs of X(ejΩ) and X(ω). But the periodicity of X(ejΩ) should be taken into account as follows.

After a sampling frequency Fs is specified (e. g., Fs = 8 kHz), the value Fs2 represents the frequency f that will be mapped to the angle π rad and its multiples in 2π. This can be seen by

Ω = ωFs = 2πfFs = 2π40008000 = π.

In discrete-time (or “digital”) signal processing, the value of Fs2 is called Nyquist frequency or folding frequency. If the spectrum X(f) is zero13 for f [Fs2,[, then the values of X(ω) in the range 2π × [Fs2,Fs2] coincides with the values of X(ejΩ) normalized by Fs in the corresponding range of [π,π]. In other words:

X(ejΩ) = F sX(ω),

which will be proved later on. Note that X(ejΩ) = FsX(ω) only holds if the sampling theorem is obeyed, otherwise the components of signal x(t) with frequencies in the range ] ,Fs2[ and ]Fs2,[ will be mapped (or folded, which is the reason for calling Fs2 the folding frequency) to components of x[n] with angular frequencies in the range ] π,π[, eventually distorting the discrete-time representation of the original x(t). This phenomenon is called aliasing because a folded component from X(ω) appears in X(ejΩ) as an “alias” or impostor.


Figure 2.19: Spectrum X(f) (top) and X(ejΩ) when Fs = 60 Hz. The two indicated points are related by ω = ΩFs and the frequency f = 6.238 Hz is mapped into Ω = 0.6532 rad. Notice three of the infinite number of replicas of X(f) centered at Ω [2π,0,2π]. In this case there was no aliasing because the sampling theorem was obeyed.

For the sake of illustration, Figure 2.19 depicts the spectrum X(f) of a continuous-time signal x(t). It also shows the spectrum X(ejΩ) of x[n], obtained by sampling x(t) with Fs = 60 Hz. In this case, ω = 2π × 6.238 rad/s is mapped to 0.6532 rad, with the magnitude being scaled by 60, according to X(ejΩ) = FsX(ω). This discussion aims at illustrating how the Fourier transform X(f) of x(t) and the DTFT of the corresponding x[n] (obtained from x(t) via a C/D conversion) are related. The next paragraphs complement Eq. (2.35) and discuss how to interpret the DFT in Hz.