4.8  Parametric PSD Estimation via Autoregressive (AR) Modeling

In Section 3.10.4, the terms AR and MA (autoregressive and moving-average, respectively) were associated to filters. Here they will also denote WSS random processes that have white noise as the input to a LTI filter H(z) that is AR or MA, respectively.

The periodogram and Welch’s methods are categorized as “classical” or “nonparametric” spectral analysis. This section discusses a method from “modern” spectral analysis, which consists in indirectly estimating a PSD S(ejΩ) = |H(ejΩ)|2 by first estimating the parameters of the autoregressive model (or filter):

H(z) = gzP k=1P (z pk) = g A(z) = g 1 + a1z1 + a2z2 + + aP zP ,

which corresponds to Eq. (3.54), repeated here for the convenience of calling P (instead of N) the system order.

Such “parametric” spectral estimator has the advantage that there are potentially fewer parameters to be estimated when compared to the values of a PSD. For example, when using an M-point FFT for PSD estimation using Welch’s algorithm, M values need to be estimated. In contrast, the AR model requires estimating only P « M parameters and the gain g. On the other hand, if the assumed model is incorrect, the parametric estimator may lead to highly inaccurate results.

The goal of AR-based PSD estimation is to find H(z) = gA(z) that, when excited by white noise x[n] generates an output that has the same statistics of y[n], i. e.,

x[n] g A(z) y[n].

Hence, it is assumed that y[n] is a realization of an ergodic autoregressive random process of order P, denoted as AR(P).

The problem is posed mathematically as finding the FIR filter A(z) = 1 + i=1P aizi that minimizes the energy n|x[n]|2 of the output signal x[n] in

y[n] A(z) x[n].

The filter A(z) = 1 A~(z) is called the prediction-error filter because A~(z) = i=1P aizi predicts an estimate y~[n] of y[n] as

y~[n] = i=1P a iy[n i],

based on the P past samples of y[n]. This is depicted in Figure 4.38. The prediction error is x[n] = y[n] y~[n] and, when A(z) is an optimum solution, x[n] has characteristics of white noise with power σx2. The signal x[n] is also called prediction error and, therefore, g2 is called the prediction error power.


Figure 4.38: The prediction-error filter is A(z) = 1 A~(z), where A~(z) provides a prediction y~[n] of the current n-th signal sample y[n], based on previous samples y[n 1],,y[n P].

AR-based modeling using Eq. (4.56) is widely used in speech coding and, because y~[n] in Eq. (4.56) is a linear combination of past inputs, it is called linear predictive coding (LPC).

The filter A(z) is often used to perform decorrelation of a signal (y[n] according to the adopted notation), while 1A(z) is called the synthesis filter because it can generate a signal (y[n]) with a given PSD from white noise (x[n]).

Example 4.23. Experimenting with Matlab’s aryule function. Two examples of autoregressive modeling using Matlab are provided here. Similar commands can be used with Octave, as later suggested in Listing 4.25.

The function aryule.m returns the filter A and the power Perror of the white noise signal x[n], corresponding to A(z) and g2, respectively. When a white signal with power Perror is used as input of the synthesis filter 1A(z), the resulting signal has the power of y[n].

As an example, the result of the following code composes Table 4.4.

1y=(1:100)+randn(1,100); %signal composed by ramp plus noise 
2for P=1:4 %vary the LPC order 
3  [A,Perror]=lpc(y,P) %estimate filter of order P 

Table 4.4: LPC result for different orders P for a ramp signal with added noise.
Order P Filter A(z) Perror (g2)
1 [1.0, -0.9849] 102.1144
2 [1.0, -0.9883, 0.0035] 102.1131
3 [1.0, -0.9884, 0.0082, -0.0047] 102.1109
4 [1.0, -0.9884, 0.0082, -0.0138, 0.0092] 102.1022

Table 4.4 illustrates that the LPC filter A(z) = 1 0.9849z1 of order P = 1 can extract most of the correlation among the samples of the input signal y. For P > 1, the coefficients ai for i > 1 have relatively small values. Besides, Perror does not decrease significantly with P. A second example illustrates a situation where P = 2 outperforms P = 1. Listing 4.20 is similar to the previous one, but simulates an AR(2) process and allows to create Table 4.5.

Listing 4.20: MatlabOctaveCodeSnippets/snip_frequency_aryule.m. [ Python version]
1N=1000; x=randn(1,N); %WGN with zero mean and unit variance 
2Px=mean(abs(x).^2) %input signal power 
3B=4; %filter numerator 
4A=[1 0.5 0.98]; %filter denominator 
5Fs=1; %sampling frequency Fs = BW = 1 DHz 
6y=filter(B,A,x); %realization of an AR(2) process 
7Py=mean(abs(y).^2) %output power 
8for P=1:4 %vary the filter order 
9    [Sy,f]=pwelch(y,rectwin(N),[],N,Fs,'twosided'); 
10    [Hthe,w]=freqz(B, A,'twosided'); 
11    [Ahat,Perror]=aryule(y,P) %estimate filter of order P 
12    [Hhat,w]=freqz(sqrt(Perror), Ahat,'twosided'); 
13    clf, plot(2*pi*f,10*log10(Sy),'r'); hold on 
14    plot(w,10*log10(Px*abs(Hthe).^2),'k--'); 
15    plot(w,10*log10(Px*abs(Hhat).^2),'b'); 
16    legend('Welch','Theoretical','AR') 
17    pause 

Table 4.5: LPC result for different orders P for an AR(2) realization.
Order P Filter A(z) Perror (g2)
1 [1.0, 0.2566] 513.6893
2 [1.0, 0.5089, 0.9832] 17.1227
3 [1.0, 0.4601, 0.9579, -0.0496] 17.0805
4 [1.0, 0.4595, 0.9694, -0.0441, 0.0120] 17.0781

As expected from the analysis of an AR(2) realization, Table 4.5 shows a drastic improvement when transitioning from P = 1 to 2, but without significant decrease in Perror afterward. Note that the correct filter was H(z) = 4(1 + 0.5z1 + 0.98z2), while the estimation for P = 2 was Ĥ(z) = 17.1227(1 + 0.5089z1 + 0.9832z2). Increasing the number of samples to N=10000 leads to the accurate estimation Ĥ(z) = 16.3780(1 + 0.5010z1 + 0.9822z2).    

4.8.1  Advanced: Spectral factorization

Spectral factorization10 is an important tool for generating a signal with a given discrete-time PSD S(ejΩ) via a rational system function H(z). Instead of using Fourier transforms, it is easier to work with the more general z transform S(z). Assuming a valid PSD is real and obeys S(ejΩ) 0,Ω, if its corresponding S(z) is rational, it can be uniquely factored as

S(z) = γ2H(z)H(1z),

where γ2 is the geometrical mean of S(ejΩ), H(z) is monic and loosely minimum-phase.

To obtain H(1z), first H(1z) can be obtained by substituting z by 1z in H(z), and then its complex-conjugate is obtained according to the strategy discussed in Section A.3. For instance, suppose H(z) = (z 2ej4)(z 3 + j5)(z + 6ej4), then H(1z) = ((1z) 2ej4)((1z) 3 + j5)((1z) + 6ej4) and

H(1z) = ((1z) 2ej4)((1z) 3 j5) ((1z) + 6ej4) = (z1 2ej4)(z1 3 j5) (z1 + 6ej4) .

To understand Eq. (4.57), it is also useful to note:

Now the intuition behind Eq. (4.57) can be developed as follows. Suppose one wants to generate a discrete-time signal with a given PSD Sy(ejΩ), by filtering white noise with PSD Sx(ejΩ) and using Sy(ejΩ) = |H(ejΩ)|2Sx(ejΩ) from Eq. (4.39). Using the fact that multiplying a complex-number cej𝜃 by its conjugate cej𝜃 leads to its squared magnitude cej𝜃cej𝜃 = c2, one can write |H(ejΩ)|2 = H(ejΩ)H(ejΩ). Also,

H(1z)| z=ejΩ = H(1ejΩ) = H(ejΩ),

such that

|H(ejΩ)|2 = H(z)H(1z)| z=ejΩ.

This shows that Eq. (4.39) can be obtained by the more general expression

Sy(z) = H(z)H(1z)S x(z),

where H(1z) is the reflected transfer function of H(z).

The term reflected is adopted for H(1z) because its poles and zeros are at the conjugate-reciprocal locations of respective poles and zeros of H(z), i. e., they were reflected through the unit circle. Consider H(z) given by Eq. (4.59), then

H(1z) = k=1M(1 ckz) k=1N(1 dkz).

A parcel (1 ckz1) of H(z) becomes (1 ckz) in H(1z). Hence, a zero ck of H(z) turns into a zero (1c) of H(1z). The magnitude |ck| turns into 1|ck|, while the phase is preserved. This happens for both zeros and poles. For example, the zeros of H(1z) in Eq. (4.58) are 0.5ej4 and (3 j5)34, and the pole is (16)ej4. These are the reflected values of zeros and pole of H(z): 2ej4, 3 j5 and 6ej4, respectively. Therefore, if H(z) is loosely minimum-phase, then H(1z) is loosely maximum-phase. This allows to conveniently factor a rational |H(ejΩ)|2 into minimum and maximum phase systems. And because the minimum-phase H(z) is causal and stable, one can generate a process with a given PSD as described in the next paragraphs.

Example 4.24. Generating the PSD of a first-order moving-average process. A first-order moving-average process, denoted as MA(1), can be described by the difference equation y[n] = b0x[n] + b1x[n 1], where x[n] is white noise with PSD Sx(z) = σ2. The system function is H(z) = b0 + b1z1. Using Eq. (4.60), its output PSD can be obtained by

Sy(z) = (b0 + b1z1)(b 0 + b 1z)σ2 = [b 0b1z + |b 0|2 + |b 1|2 + b 0b 1z1] σ2.

The frequency response is Sy(ejΩ) = [b0b1ejΩ + |b0|2 + |b1|2 + b0b1ejΩ] σ2. Listing 4.21 provides an example with b0 = 1 + j3, b1 = 0.8 j2 and σ2 = 1.

Listing 4.21: MatlabOctaveCodeSnippets/snip_frequency_ma1.m
1B=[1+3j -0.8-2j]; %MA highpass filter with complex coefficients 
2%B=[1 0.8]; %MA lowpass filter with real coefficients 
3x=randn(1,10000); %generate white noise 
4Px=mean(abs(x).^2) %input signal power 
5Fs=1; %Fs = BW = 1 Dhz to obtain discrete-time PSD 
6y=filter(B,1,x); %generate MA(1) process 
7[Syy,f]=ak_psd(y,Fs); %find PSD via Welch's method 
8plot(2*pi*f,Syy), hold on %plot estimated PSD in dBm/Dhz 
9Hmag2=(B(1)*conj(B(2))*exp(1j*2*pi*f))+sum(abs(B).^2)+ ... 
10    (conj(B(1))*B(2)*exp(-1j*2*pi*f)); 
11plot(2*pi*f,10*log10(Hmag2/1e-3),'r')%theoretical, in dBm/Dhz 
12xlabel('\Omega (rad)'); ylabel('S(e^{j\Omega})  dBm/Dhz'), axis tight

The output process has a PSD shaped by the highpass filter. Uncommenting the second line in Listing 4.21 to adopt B=[1 0.8] leads to a lowpass output PSD.

The autocorrelation

Ry[] = (b0b1δ[ + 1] + (|b 0|2 + |b 1|2)δ[] + b 0b 1δ[ 1])σ2.

is obtained via an inverse Fourier transform of Sy(z) and provides the average power of y[n] as Ry[0] = (|b0|2 + |b1|2)σ2.    

4.8.2  AR modeling of a discrete-time PSD

Eq. (4.39) informs that, if the input x[n] to a LTI system H(z) is white noise with a PSD consisting of a constant value Sx(ejΩ) = N02, the output PSD is Sy(ejΩ) = N02|H(ejΩ)|2. Recall that, for discrete-time PSDs, the white noise power σx2 coincides with the PSD level N02 such that one can write Sy(ejΩ) = σx2|H(ejΩ)|2.

As discussed, in AR modeling, the PSD Ŝ(ejΩ) is obtained by first estimating A(ejΩ) = A(z)|z=ejΩ and g, and then using

Ŝ(ejΩ) = |H(ejΩ)|2 = g2 |A(ejΩ)|2,

where it is assumed that x[n] has unit variance σx2 = 1. Alternatively, H(z) could be restricted to have a numerator equal to one, i. e. H(z) = 1A(z) and the squared gain g2 interpreted as the white noise power σx2 that allows to generate y[n] with power Py. This power is given by

Py = 1 2π<2π>Ŝ(ejΩ)dΩ = 1 2π<2π> g2 |A(ejΩ)|2dΩ

and can be solely controlled by H(z), specially by g.

Recall from Eq. (3.102), that when the input signal to an LTI system is white, the output power is Py = Ehσx2, where Eh is the energy of the impulse response h[n] = Z1{H(z)}. Listing 4.22 shows how Py = Ehσx2 can be used to relate Py and σx2 (or g2).

Listing 4.22: MatlabOctaveCodeSnippets/snip_frequency_lpcExample.m. [ Python version]
1N=100; x=randn(1,N); %WGN with zero mean and unit variance 
2y=filter(4,[1 0.5 0.98],x); %realization of an AR(2) process 
3Py=mean(y.^2) %signal power 
4[A,Perror]=aryule(y,2) %estimate filter via LPC 
5h=impz(1,A,500); %impulse response of 1/A(z) 
6Eh=sum(h.^2) %impulse response energy 
7Py - (Perror*Eh) %compare Py with Perror*Eh

Listing 4.23 compares a PSD estimated with Welch’s method and the one obtained via autoregressive modeling for a realization of an AR(2) process.

Listing 4.23: MatlabOctaveCodeSnippets/snip_frequency_AR_PSD.m. [ Python version]
1N=100000; x=randn(1,N); %WGN with zero mean and unit variance 
2y=filter(4,[1 0.5 0.98],x); %realization of an AR(2) process 
3[A,Perror]=aryule(y,2) %estimate AR filter via LPC 
4noverlap=50; Nfft=2048; Fs=1; %pwelch input values 
6%Sp = 2*pi*Sp; %convert estimation into discrete-time PSD 
7[H,w]=freqz(1,A,2048,'whole'); %get frequency response of H(z) 
8Shat=Perror*(abs(H).^2); %get PSD estimated via autoregressive model 
9plot(2*pi*f,10*log10(Sp),w,10*log10(Shat)) %compare in dB 
10xlabel('\Omega (rad)'); ylabel('S(e^{j\Omega})  dBW/Dhz'), axis tight

When the power value σ2 is used in Listing 4.23, it is in fact representing the PSD level N02 = σ2, which coincide in a discrete-time white PSD as indicated in Eq. (4.44). This is not the case for continuous-time PSDs, where the total power of a white noise will be explicitly distributed over frequency to obtain its PSD, as discussed in the sequel.

4.8.3  AR modeling of a continuous-time PSD

If the goal is to use a discrete-time signal y[n] to estimate a continuous-time PSD Ŝ(f), then the average power σx2 should be normalized by Fs to obtain Sx(f) = N02 = σx2Fs and the frequency Ω mapped via ω = ΩFs or, equivalently, Ω = 2πfTs, such that A(f) = A(ejΩ)|Ω=2πfTs and

Ŝ(f) = N02 |A(ej2πfTs)|2.

For example, if A(z) = 1 + 0.5z1 + 0.98z2 and Fs = 10 Hz, then

A(ej2πfTs ) = 1 + 0.5ej0.2πf + 0.98ej0.4πf.

As illustrated in the last line of Listing 4.24, the normalization A(f) = A(ejΩ)|Ω=2πfTs can be obtained by simply changing the abscissa.

Listing 4.24 is similar to Listing 4.23 but aims at estimating a continuous-time PSD.

Listing 4.24: MatlabOctaveCodeSnippets/snip_frequency_AR_continuousPSD.m. [ Python version]
1N=100000; x=randn(1,N); %WGN with zero mean and unit variance 
2Fs=600; %assumed sampling frequency in Hz 
3y=filter(4,[1 0.5 0.98],x); %realization of an AR(2) process 
4[A,Perror]=aryule(y,2) %estimate filter via LPC 
5noverlap=50; Nfft=2048; %pwelch input values 
6pwelch(y,[],noverlap,Nfft,Fs);% continuous-time PSD 
7[H,w]=freqz(1,A,Nfft); %get frequency response of H(z) 
8N0div2=Perror/Fs; %white noise PSD level is power / bandwidth 
9Shat=N0div2*(abs(H).^2); %get PSD estimated via AR model 
10Shat=[Shat(1); 2*Shat(2:end-1); Shat(end)]; %convert to unilateral 
11hold on, plot(w*Fs/(2*pi),10*log10(Shat),'k') %compare in dB

The command N0div2=Perror/Fs in Listing 4.24 converts the power Perror into a PSD level N02, while Shat=N0div2*(abs(H).^2) uses the frequency response H obtained from H(z) = 1A(z) to implement Eq. (4.43).

Care must be exercised with respect to normalization factors when comparing spectra obtained with distinct methods. For example, the bandwidth for normalizing the PSDs depends on the adoption of a unilateral or bilateral spectrum. Another detail is that, when converting from bilateral to unilateral representations and vice-versa, one needs to take in account that the values at DC and Nyquist frequencies should not be doubled, as done in Listing 4.24.

4.8.4  Advanced: Yule-Walker equations and LPC

There are many techniques to estimate the AR model 1A(z). Here the Yule-Walker equations are adopted given the existence of fast and robust algorithms for solving them, such as Levinson-Durbin.

To keep the discussion relatively short, the goal here is to practice how to use AR estimation to obtain the spectrum of a signal. The algorithms and their properties have been widely discussed in the parametric estimation literature and the reader is encouraged to use them and pursue further knowledge (see Section 4.11).

Both Matlab and Octave have several interrelated functions for AR modeling such as lpc, pyulear, aryule, levinson, etc. The first two will be discussed here.

If, for example, the Matlab command

1[A,Perror]=lpc(x,2) %estimate a second order filter

returns A=[1.0, -1.7196, 0.81] and Perror=10, then the filter H(z) = 10(1 1.7196z1 + 0.81z2) has poles at z = 0.9±j0.3 and, consequently, the corresponding PSD estimate Ŝ(ejΩ) has a peak at frequency Ω = 0.3 rad with value 10|A(ej0.3)|2 3082.5.

In contrast, pyulear returns an estimation of Ŝ(f) and is useful when the intermediate step of dealing with gA(z) is not of interest.

The following two commands can be incorporated to the end of Listing 4.24:

1P=2; %AR filter order 
2[Syule,f]=pyulear(y,P,Nfft,Fs); %Directly get the PSD, as via LPC 
3plot(f,10*log10(Syule),'r') %compare in dB

It can be seen that pyulear gives the same PSD as the one obtained by first using lpc and then Eq. (4.65).

4.8.5  Examples of autoregressive PSD estimation

Two examples will be used to address the issues of AR PSD estimation. In the first one, the signal y[n] = x[n]h[n] is generated as a realization of an autoregressive model, where x[n] is white Gaussian noise and h[n] is the impulse response of an all-poles IIR filter H(z) = 1A(z). In this case, the assumed model matches the actual signal. A mismatched condition is simulated in the second example, where H(z) = B(z) is a FIR filter.

Example 4.25. Evaluating the PSD of an autoregressive random process. Listing 4.25 creates an all-poles H(z) of order P = 5 and creates an AR(5) signal y[n] with power Py = 3 W. It then estimates the PSD by solving Yule-Walker’s equations via the Levinson-Durbin algorithm and compares it to a PSD estimate via Welch’s method and a theoretical expression, as shown in Figure 4.39.

Listing 4.25: MatlabOctaveCodeSnippets/snip_frequency_PSD_estimation.m
1%% generate some H(z) - case 1 - AR model (IIR) 
2p1=0.5; p2=0.3+1j*0.2; p3=0.3-1j*0.2; %defining the poles... 
3p4=0.9*exp(1j*2);p5=0.9*exp(-1j*2); %as complex conjugates 
4Asystem=poly([p1 p2 p3 p4 p5]); %find H(z) denominator 
5Asystem=real(Asystem); %get rid of numerical errors 
6Bsystem=1; %H(z) numerator given that H(z) is all-poles 
7h = impz(Bsystem,Asystem,200); %H(z) impulse response 
8%% generate x[n] and y[n] 
9Fs=8000; %sampling frequency 
10Py_desired = 3; %power in Watts for the random signal y[n] 
11S=100000; %number of samples for y[n] 
12Eh=sum(h.^2) %energy of the system's impulse response 
13x=sqrt(Py_desired/Eh)*randn(S,1); %white Gaussian with given power 
14y=filter(Bsystem,Asystem,x); %finally, generate y[n] 
15Px=mean(x.^2) %get power, to check if close to Py_desired/Eh 
16Py=mean(y.^2) %get power, to check if close to Py_desired 
17%% LPC analysis for estimating the PSD of y[n] 
18P = 5; %assume we know the correct order of A(z) (matched condition) 
19%if using Matlab, it is possible to adopt lpc instead of aryule 
20%[A,Perror]=lpc(y,P); %lpc solves Yule-Walker to estimate H(z) 
21[A,Perror]=aryule(y,P); %solves Yule-Walker, both Matlab and Octave 
22%note that Perror is approximately Py_desired/Eh, the power of x 
23N0over2 = Perror/Fs; %value for the bilateral PSD Sx(w) 
24N0=2*N0over2; %assumes a unilateral PSD Sy(w)=N0/|A(z)|^2 
25Nfft=1024; %number of FFT points for all spectra 
26[Hw,f]=freqz(1,A,Nfft,Fs); %frequency response H(w) from 1/A(z) 
27Sy=N0*(abs(Hw).^2); %unilateral PSD estimated via AR modeling 
28[Swelch,f2]=pwelch(y,hamming(Nfft),[],Nfft,Fs); %Welch's PSD 
29[Hsystem,f3]=freqz(Bsystem,Asystem,Nfft,Fs); %DTFT of assumed system 
30Sy_theoretical=(Px/(Fs/2)).*(abs(Hsystem).^2);%theoretical PSD 
32    f,10*log10(Sy));%compare PSD from Welch, AR and theoretical

The code above uses Eq. (3.102) to generate x[n] (implemented as vector x) with the proper power Py_desired/Eh.


Figure 4.39: PSDs estimated from a realization y[n] of a autoregressive process. The model adopted for the AR-based estimation matches the one used to generate y[n].

The signal y in Listing 4.25 is a realization of an autoregressive process AR(5) of order 5. Hence, the model H(z) perfectly matches the process. Smaller values of P would potentially increase the estimation error while larger values lead to curves that are not as smooth as the theoretical one due to the extra (unnecessary) poles in the estimated H(z).

If zoomed, the theoretical and AR estimate curves present some discrepancy at the peak around 2546.5 Hz, which corresponds to the pair of poles p4 and p5 at frequencies Ω0 = ±2 rad (recall ω = ΩFs and in this case f0 = Ω0Fs(2π) 2546.5 Hz).   

The next example presents a situation where the assumed AR model does not match the FIR filter used to generate y[n].

Example 4.26. Evaluating the PSD of a moving average random process. Figure 4.40 was generated with the code figs_spectral_whitenoise.m, which is not repeated here, but was created according to the editions listed in Listing 4.26. As indicated, the code uses a FIR to create the signal y[n] corresponding to a MA(10) process.

Listing 4.26: MatlabOctaveCodeSnippets/snip_frequency_MA_process_PSD.m. [ Python version]
1f=[0 0.25 0.3 0.55 0.6 0.85 0.9 1]; %frequencies 
2Amp=[1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0]; %amplitudes 
3M=10; %filter order 
4Bsystem=firls(M,f,Amp); %design FIR with LS algorithm 
5Asystem = 1; %the FIR filter has denominator equal to 1 
6h=Bsystem; %impulse response of a FIR coincides with B(z) 
7... %here goes the code of previous example, up to P=5 
8P=20;%we do not know correct order of A(z). Use high value 
9... %code of previous example continues from here


Figure 4.40: PSDs estimated from a realization y[n] of a moving average process that does not match the model adopted for the AR-based estimation.

The code snippet indicates that the FIR has order M=10 but even using an AR model of order P=20, there is significant discrepancy of the AR-based estimated spectrum in Figure 4.40, especially at the valley regions. In this example, due to the model mismatch, the PSD estimated via the (non-parametric) periodogram achieves better accuracy than the one estimated with the AR model.    

A key component of autoregressive spectral estimation is the choice of the model order and there are many methods and criteria for that, such as the minimum description length. A simple alternative is to plot the energy of the prediction residue as the model order increases and choose the best. It helps choosing the model order if one knows aspects of the signal. For example, in speech analysis, each pair of complex-conjugate poles corresponds to a vocal tract resonance known as formant frequency. If one is looking for approximately five formants, a model of order 10 or 12 (considering that real poles can occur) is a reasonable choice. In general, if the order is too low, resolution suffers. If one increases the order too much, spurious peaks may appear.