3  Main Symbols

𝜀¯x Average energy per tone in DMT systems
C¯ Capacity of the discrete-time AWGN channel
G(f) Energy spectral density (ESD)
M Set of quantizer outputs and set of constellation symbols
P Power (Watts), calligraphic distinguishes from probabilities P
η Spectral efficiency
𝔼[X] Expected value of a random variable
Fs Sampling frequency, Fs = 1Ts
γ Noise margin
γt Target margin
m^(t) Decoded symbol, receiver output
P^(ejΩ) Estimated periodogram
R^x[k] Autocorrelation for a finite-duration signal
Ŝx(ejΩ) Periodogram
P Average power
Ω Discrete-time angular frequency in radians
E¯c Average energy of a constellation (Joules)
Rsym Rsym = 1Tsym, Which is called the symbol rate
Rsym Signaling frequency or symbol rate Rsym = 1Tsym
σ Standard deviation
T s Sampling interval
Tsym Symbol interval
b Number of bits per sample
BW Bandwidth
C Correlation between two random variables X and Y
D Signal space or constellation dimension (e. g., D = 2 for QAM)
c(t) Carrier signal, typically a sinusoid cos (2πfct + ϕc)
Ep Energy of the shaping pulse
f0 Fundamental frequency (Hz)
fc Cutoff frequency
fp Bandpass frequency
fr Stopband frequency
H(ejΩ) Frequency response of a discrete-time system
H(f) Frequency response of a continuous-time system
H(s) Transfer function of a continuous-time system
h(t) or h[n] Impulse response of a continuous or discrete-time system
H(z) Transfer function of a discrete-time system
L Oversampling factor, given by L = TsymTs
LCP Prefix-cyclic length
M Number of symbols in M-ary modulation
m(t) Information source
mi Symbol of a constellation of M symbols
MS Mean-square
N FFT length, and other uses, e. g., number of samples per frame
N Gaussian (normal) distribution N(μ,σ2)
ν Noise in continuous ν(t) and discrete-time ν[n]
P(ω) Spectrum of a shaping pulse in continuous-time
p(t) Shaping pulse (such as the raised cosine)
Q Quality factor or Q-factor
r(t) Received signal
RX(s,t) Autocorrelation function
S(f) Continuous-time power spectral density (PSD)
S(ejΩ) Discrete-time PSD
s(t) Transmitter output, which is the channel input
Sms[k] Mean-square spectrum
W(ejΩ) Discrete-time Fourier transform of w[n]
w[n] Rectangular window
X(τ,f) Short-time Fourier transform of x(t)
X(ejΩ) Discrete-time Fourier transform of x[n]
X(f) Continuous-time Fourier transform of x(t) with f in Hertz
X(ω) Continuous-time Fourier transform of x(t) with ω in rad/s
X(s) Laplace transform of x(t)
x(t) Continuous-time signal
X(z) Z transform of x[n]
x[n] Discrete-time signal
xb[n] Binary representation of a signal
xi[n] Integer-valued signal
xq(t) Quantized continuous-time signal
xq[n] Digital signal
xs(t) Sampled signal
XN(ejΩ) DTFT of windowed version of x[n] with N samples
XT (f) Continuous-time Fourier transform of xT (t)
xT (t) Truncated version of x(t) with duration T